Installation Steps For Informatica
Use Informatica certification dumps to pass Informatica exams. Download Informatica braindumps proven by IT engineers who passed Informatica certification exams. CA%20Workload%20Automation%20Agent%20for%20Informatica%20r11%203%201-ENU/Bookshelf_Files/HTML/InformaticaImp/2126403.png' alt='Installation Steps For Informatica' title='Installation Steps For Informatica' />This course covers Informatica Administration, everything from installation, to repository maintenance, scheduling, grid management, to version control. This class. Pmrep assignPermission o Connection t Relational n ADMSrcd g Informaticagrade p RWX use updatepermission for modifying the currently assigned permission. ETL Tech Blog INFORMATICA REPO QUERIESPOWERCENTER METADATA QUERIES1 Overview. FOLDER2. 1 List folder details. Installation Steps For Informatica 9.1' title='Installation Steps For Informatica 9.1' />List of shared folders. Stan Getz Sax Solos Pdf there. List of Users and Groups having Privileges on Folders 2. List of Folder Owners. SOURCE3. 1 List of source tables. List and count of tables in each folder by db type. List and count of tables overall used. List of source tables used in mappings. TGuZW1In4Q/T8RbRy0TJfI/AAAAAAAABVs/Ke0ze1uV3YA/s1600/16.png' alt='Installation Steps For Informatica' title='Installation Steps For Informatica' />List of Sources tables using as Shortcuts 3. List Sequence Generator Value. List Source tables, Mapping Names and Source Database Name 4 TARGET4. SESSION TASK. A session is a set of instructions that tells the Power Center Server how and when to move data from sources to targets. To run a session, we must first. Theres no need to make a big deal about leaving every gathering you attend. Just leaveits fine. Last week, the entire Lifehacker staff convened in New York. List of Target Tables. List and count of tables in each folder by db type. List and count of table overall used. List Target table used in session level. Truncate target Table Option. TRANSFORMATION5. 1 List of filter transformations. List of Sequence transformations. List of tables used as lookups. List of transformations using sql overrides. List all transformations. List all Expression transformations using concat function. List of all port details of an Expression transformations. List of all Expression transformation port links. List of LKP transformation port links used in mappings. Identify ports in EXP I, IO, O,V Ports5. SQ and Lookup SQL5. B2. B Transformation List. MAPPING6. 1 List mapping names. List total count of mappings. List last saved user for a mapping. List Mapping parameters and variables. List all Mappings using PARALLEL hints 7 MAPPLET7. List Mapplets in all folders 7. List Mapplet parameters and variables. SESSION8. 1 List session names. List save session log count. List stop on errors count. List hardcoded paths. List parameter file paths. List session log names. List commit intervals. List total source partitions. List total target partitions. List DTM Buffer Size. List collect performance data. List Incremental Aggregation. List Reinitialize aggregate cache. List Enable high precision. List Session retry on deadlock. List write backward compatible check. List over ride tracing. List save session log by. List load type. 8. List postsessionsuccesscommand in session. List of all emails with attachment. List Invalid Sessions and Workflows 8. List of session run history Long running sessions. List Bad file dir name of a session. List Throughput of the session. Pushdown Optimization. Persistent Cache. TASKS9. 1 List command tasks. List decision tasks. List Event Wait tasks. List Event Wait tasks 1. WORKLET1. 0. 1 List worklet names. List hierarchies of all workflows and its worklets. INFORMATICA REPOSITORY QUERIES PART II1. WORKFLOW1. 1. 1 List workflow names. List save workflow log count. List workflow log names. List write backward compatible check. List failparentiftaskfails objects. List failparentiftaskdontrun objects. List istaskenabled objects. List treatinputlinksas objects. List all workflows whose server is not assigned. List of workflow run details. List of sessions last run details. List of workflows currently running. Check Stats of wf run cpu usage1. CONNECTIONS1. 2. 1 List of cnxs using alter in env sql. List of cnxs used in session levels. List Lotus connection details. ODBC SQL Server Connection details. List of sessions used by a connection. List all Connections with User and Privileges 1. Query to fetch connection details users list and privileges. Connections with Attributes. List of Source and Target used in Session Level. List of connection names with Attribute details. Query used for connection cleanup. List sessions last run by using a connection. Kill User Connection INFORMATICA REPOSITORY QUERIES PART III1. GROUPS USERS1. User, Group and Status of User. User, Group and Status of User for PC 9. Kill User INFORMATICA REPOSITORY QUERIES PART IV1. REPOSITORY1. 4. 1 Repository Info. List of objects which are Not Valid. List of objects which are failed in last 5 days. List where all a table is used. List all source and target tables of mapping. List comments of all objects. List of Database used in Repository 1. MISLENIOUS1. 5. 1 Query to find list of objects last saved by user. List the name of the object, type, date and last saved. List Folder,wf,sess,maping,src and trg. List Locks of objects in reposit. How to Remove Node. How to convert binary log to text format. PMSTACKINFORMATICA REPOSITORY QUERIES PART V1. SCHEDULER1. 6. 1 Check Scheduled workflows using pmcmd command. Check Scheduled workflows using queries 1. INTEGRATION SERVICES1. Count of workflows running on each Integration Service. List of workflows running on each Integration Service. How to update connections in Mass.