Homeopathic Repertory

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Homeopathic Repertory' title='Homeopathic Repertory' />Advertising KENTS REPERTORY Presented by MdiT. Preface Contents Remedies and their Abbreviations Use of the repertory Repertorising Hot and. REPERTORY by Oscar E. BOERICKE, M. D. Presented by MdiT Prefatory note Mind Head Eyes Ears Nose Face Mouth Tongue Taste Gums. Radiation poisoning Homeopathic and other natural remedies provide protection and treatment. Natural. News Radioactive waste from Fukushima is approaching the west coast of North America at a frightening rate. Hundreds of seals off the coast of Alaska are dead and dying from symptoms that look ominously like radiation disease and most people wonder what and who is next. Alternative medicine offers a wide variety of treatments to protect and treat radiation sickness. Certain homeopathic medicines and other natural substances may provide relief from radiation disease symptoms or boost the bodys natural vital force to protect itself from the severity of radiation exposure. Symptoms of Radiation Sickness. Early signs of radiation illness include headache, nausea, vomiting and fever. Additional symptoms may appear later, including weakness, dizziness, mental confusion, hair loss, skin lesions, bloody vomit and stools, low blood pressure, wounds that are slow to heal, bone marrow deterioration, gastrointestinal and cardiovascular shut down, and cancerous tumors. Many of these symptoms also appear in animals, as evidenced by the seals in Alaska. Untitled.jpg' alt='Homeopathic Repertory' title='Homeopathic Repertory' />Protection. Homeopathic Fucus vesiculosus is a tincture made from a form of sea kelp that can be used to protect the thyroid from radioactive contamination. Like potassium iodide, it acts to block the thyroid receptors, preventing absorption of radiation however, the dose is easier to control. It is milder and better tolerated by people with thyroid disease and other sensitivities. Topical Treatments. Raw, organic honey possesses antibacterial properties and can reduce the severity of skin burns and lesions as well as lesson inflammation and ulcerations of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract. Calendula extract is a healing, soothing liquid that can be mixed with water and applied to relieve burns, sores, itching, peeling and other skin ailments resulting from exposure to radiation. Echinacea extract is rich in anti inflammatory agents and acts as an antibiotic when applied to infected areas of the skin. It can be used in any skin ailment, especially those that become infected and septic. Cleanse. Baking soda baths provide an excellent cleanse for removing radiation from body cells. Baking soda is highly alkaline and helps restore the bodys p. H, reducing the incidence of acidosis a state that fosters weakness and disease. Drinking baking soda mixed with water may help reduce inflammation and heal mouth sores resulting from exposure to radiation. Homeopathy. Clinical experience has shown the efficacy of several homeopathic remedies for the treatment of radiation disease symptoms. QVRnoAqWVvTjHNJ21en9PtLTMDRHIO-ig4t67VgUlmqyR7kleFGz90W9F4oaLpsQ=h900' alt='Homeopathic Repertory' title='Homeopathic Repertory' />James Tyler Kent. Kent is said to have contributed as much to the great homeopathic works as Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy. ABC Homeopathy free online homeopathic remedy finder app with database of 64,000 symptoms and 650 remedies. See how homeopathic remedies relate to symptoms you. General information about homeopathy. A selection articles written by Miranda Castro. There is some information about me, Miranda Castro and my practices, my teaching. Cadmium sulphuratum may relieve itching, gastrointestinal symptoms such as vomiting or diarrhea aggravated by the slightest movement, and severe flu like aches and pains in the muscles. The person needing this remedy may feel chilled even in a warm room. Phosphorus is often the first remedy needed after exposure to radiation. It can help reduce the pain and intensity of burns to the skin as well as lessen vomiting and other stomach upsets. A dose of Phosphorus may help center someone after being exposed, enable them to cope. People needing Phosphorus are often very thirsty for ice cold water, which is vomited when becoming warm in the stomach. Radium Bromatum may help people with severe aching, arthritic pains that are made better from movement. Its also been found effective in the treatment of skin sores, ulcers and acne like pustules as well as sores that are slow to heal. Many other homeopathic remedies can offer relief for symptoms of radiation disease however, no one should self treat in the event of exposure. Seek the advice of a competent homeopathic practitioner. Remedies can be purchased from online homeopathic pharmacies and stored in the event of emergencies. Sources for this article include Materia Medica and Repertory William Boericke, MD 1. Homeopathy Home U. S. A. Homeopathic Pharmacieshttp www. Natural Society Is Fukushima Radiation Responsible for Mysterious Alaskan Seal DeathsHealing Cancer Naturally Combatting radiation poisoning tipshttp www. Simple Program In Foxpro. Homeopathy Plus Radiation Sickness and Poisoning Guidelines for Homeopathic Prevention and Treatmenthttp homeopathyplus. CDC Acute Radiation Syndrome A Fact Sheet for Physicianshttp www. Mayo Clinic Radiation Sicknesshttp www. DS0. 04. 32DSECTIONsymptoms. About the author READ MORE OF JEAN JB BARDOTS ARTICLES AT THE FOLLOWING LINKS The JB Bardot Archives www. Mobile Suit Gundam Zz Legendado. Natural News https www. Author. 16. 86. html. JB Bardot is an herbalist and a classical homeopath, and has a post graduate degree in holistic nutrition. Bardot cares for both people and animals, using alternative approaches to health care and lifestyle. She writes about wellness, green living, alternative medicine, holistic nutrition, homeopathy, herbs and naturopathic medicine. You can find her at The JB Bardot Archives at www. Facebook at https www. Twitter at jbbardot.