Crash Crash Hear The Waves Go Bash

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About Consortiumnews. From Editor Robert Parry When we founded Consortiumnews. Internet there was already a crisis building in the U. S. news media. The mainstream media was falling into a pattern of groupthink on issue after issue, often ignoring important factual information because it didnt fit with what all the Important People knew to be true. Journalist Robert Parry. Indeed, that was the original reason that I turned to what was then a new media platform to create a home for well reported stories and to challenge the many misguided conventional wisdoms. As one of the reporters who helped expose the Iran Contra scandal for The Associated Press in the mid 1. I was distressed by the silliness and propaganda that had come to pervade American journalism. I feared, too, that the decline of the U. S. press foreshadowed disasters that would come when journalists failed to alert the public about impending dangers. Also by 1. 99. 5, documents were emerging that put the history of the 1. Yet, there were fewer and fewer media outlets interested in that history. The memories of Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush were enveloped in warm and fuzzy myths that represented another kind of danger false history that could lead to mistaken political judgments in the future. Some of our early articles reexamined important chapters of the 1. October Surprise controversy from Election 1. Crash31.jpg' alt='Crash Crash Hear The Waves Go Bashar' title='Crash Crash Hear The Waves Go Bashar' />Tickets for Concerts, Sports, Theatre and More Online at TicketsInventory. Get the latest Des Moines news and weather. The KCCI news team brings you the best in local coverage and all the top stories from across the state. A Chave Do Segredo Livro. Gman puts forth THE QUESTION that WHITE Americans have yet to answer Thanks for that montage of White Victims, Incog. They deserve far more but at least there is. Unknown hackers made off with an estimated 32 million in hot cryptocurrency Ether, one of the most popular of the innumerable successors to Bitcoin, this week. Subscribe and SAVE, give a gift subscription or get help with an existing subscription by clicking the links below each cover image. From Editor Robert Parry When we founded Consortiumnews. Internet there was already a crisis. An online cooperative HalfLife modification where players fight against AI controlled enemies. D/B/5/A/5/7/Beriku/B38.jpg' alt='Crash Crash Hear The Waves Go Bash Bish Falls' title='Crash Crash Hear The Waves Go Bash Bish Falls' />Nicaraguan contra cocaine trafficking. Though we have struggled with funding surviving for more than two decades through a combination of our own frugality and the generosity of our readers we have managed to produce groundbreaking journalism on many of the most significant issues of the day, including national security, foreign policy, politics and the environment. We also looked at the underlying problems of modern democracy, particularly the insidious manipulation of citizens by government propaganda and the accomplice role played by mainstream media. Rather than encouraging diversity in analyses especially on topics of war and peace, todays mainstream media takes a perverse pride in excluding responsible, alternative views. Its as if The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN and the others have learned nothing from the disaster of the Iraq War when they pushed the groupthink about WMD and betrayed their responsibilities to the American people and the people of the world. Despite all the death, destruction and destabilization caused by the Iraq invasion, there was almost no accountability in the U. Internet Worm Generator Software there. S. press corps, with many of the worst offenders still holding down prominent jobs and still engaging in the same terrible journalism. When I was a young reporter, I was taught that there were almost always two sides to a story and often more. I was expected to seek out those alternative views, not dismiss them or pretend they didnt exist. I also realized that finding the truth often required digging beneath the surface and not just picking up the convenient explanation sitting out in the open. But the major Western news outlets began to see journalism differently. It became their strange duty to shut down questioning of the Official Story, even when the Official Story had major holes and made little sense, even when the evidence went in a different direction and serious analysts were disputing the groupthink. Looking back over the past two decades, I wish I could say that the media trend that we detected in the mid 1. But, if anything, its grown worse. The major Western news outlets now conflate the discrete difficulties from made up fake news and baseless conspiracy theories with responsible dissenting analyses. All get thrown into the same pot and subjected to disdain and ridicule. We have seen travesties, such as legendary investigative journalist Seymour Hersh having to take his important story debunking the Obama administrations claims about the Syria Sarin case of 2. London Review of Books because his normal outlets in the United States wouldnt run his expos. Remember Myspace Yeah, its still a thing. And for months, the social network reportedly had a security flaw that made it ridiculously easy to hack into any. Find the latest business news on Wall Street, jobs and the economy, the housing market, personal finance and money investments and much more on ABC News. Bandipedia contains spoilers for all Crash Bandicoot related media. You have been warnedNow, even as the fate of the world becomes more tenuous amid a resumption of Cold War tensions between the West and Russia, we are seeing the Western media engaging in a self inflicted blindness that has left the Wests citizens blind as well. This dilemma this crisis in democracy has made the role of Consortiumnews even more essential today than it may have been in 1. Robert Parry, Editor. If youd like to support our journalistic endeavor, you can contribute either by credit card at the Web site or by check to Consortium for Independent Journalism CIJSuite 1. Wilson Blvd. Arlington VA 2. Or you can use Pay. Pal our account is named after our e mail address consortnew aol.